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Slide notes: We will now have a look at the Data Stream Tag template. This Tag template may be used with Document Writer as well as the iesMobile Web Writer, and a maximum of 9 Data Stream tags are allowed per document.




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Slide notes: What is the Data Stream Tag for? A Data Stream provides a result of up to 250,000 data records and any number of fields within those records, and provides this result to the tag. The data may then be subjected to logic with Java Script and used in the document in a desired manner.




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Slide notes: A Data Stream must be based on a defined data source, and this is subject to normal Query Builder rules. In other words, the User who performs the document and therefore the Data Stream, must have access to query the file. In the case of iesMobile, this requires a Username for iesMobile that is the same as a standard IES Username, and for which User there is an access profile that allows access to query the file used as the data source, OR, that there be a swap out User registered for the iesMobile User, for Data Stream access.




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Slide notes: The selected Query Fields, in like manner to the data source, are subject to Query Builder rules, i.e. the User must have access to query the fields or not be barred from seeing any of the included fields.




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Slide notes: Period Mapping may be used if the Data Stream includes Query Fields where the result is impacted by Period selection.




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Slide notes: The Data Selection rules have to be listed, and in this example we will simply select all the records.




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Slide notes: Since we specify wildcards that allow any result, this means all records will qualify for selection.




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Slide notes: We now have a suitable template defined, and can proceed to test this Data Stream.




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Slide notes: In the absence of any Java Script to deal with this data result, we can see that the data is simply streamed across the page.




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Slide notes: When we look at the page source, we can see clearly that the data is provided as a continuous stream to the tag cell in the document.




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Slide notes: We can also see that the data is delimited with a defined string pattern to delimit records, as well as fields in records. We will see this in the Help document in a moment.




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Slide notes: Now let us revisit the Tag template and see the help document.




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Slide notes: The result is always a continuous single string where records are delimited by a standard 3-character string, and similarly the fields within a record are delimited in like manner, but with a different 3-character string.




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Slide notes: We can see therefore how we can easily include volumes of data in the document, to be further manipulated with Java Script as the need may be. When we use iesMobile, we can also use interactive dynamic data streams to update the data in the document as many times as needed. Please see the tutorial for the dynamic Data Stream option.