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Slide notes: On a Report like this where values are often made up of multiple Accounts, we may provide drill options to see the detail of the Accounts values that make up the final Report value. Here is an example of such a drill option. We call this type of drill an Accounts Value drill, because it is a drill that leads to 1 or many Accounts that have been used to provide a Value on the Report.




Slide 2

Slide notes: Yet when we point at the Current total for Rent and Utilities we do not see any drill option. Well, we are going to insert a drill option for that now, to see how easily it is done.




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Slide notes: We open the Tag Template for that Report Value.




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Slide notes: If the Template is one of those that allow selection of multiple Accounts, whether GL or other, to build a value for the Report, then we will likely find a drill object field on the Template.




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Slide notes: The Help explains how this works.




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Slide 13

Slide notes: The system provides a standard page that may be used for Accounts Value Drills, and it's called "iesmobile04". We may use this standard object for any and all Accounts drills, but we can also make other Pages if we wish, and we can use any combination of available drills for Accounts Values.




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Slide notes: The point is that we need to select the appropriate drill object name at the field, and then the drill will automatically appear on our Report page.




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Slide notes: Now, when we perform this Report page, we notice that there is a drill present.




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Slide notes: When we click to drill, this is the result we get. The system standard for Accounts Value drills offers a page that lists the Accounts included in the original selection for that drilled value on the base Report.  And  shows Current Month and Year to Date Financial Values for each Account, plus the total at the bottom, which is of course in agreement with the base report. We can also design additional and different Value Drill pages that look different or that offer different detail, for example Physical balances.





Slide 20

Slide notes: Now, we consider for a moment the system object "iesmobile04" which we have just seen in action.




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Slide notes: It is important to note that when we design additional Account Value drill objects, we have to use the Period Names for runtime values, and they must use inherited Periods, as shown here.




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Slide notes: At the Data Sources, we must list the masterfile that is being drilled, e.g. "ledgermast" for GL, "jobmast" for Jobs, etc.  The data key will always be "inherit drill select". That is how the system will make the connection back to the original Accounts selected for the value on the Report that we drill.




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