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Slide notes: Web App Writer is accessed from the iesMobile menu.




Slide 2

Slide notes: What is Web App Writer? It is an extended version of Document Writer, and in fact Document Writer and Web Writer can access the same Report and Page objects.




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Slide 6

Slide notes: The only immediately apparent difference in the writer tool is the pre run page. For Web Writer, there is no traditional pre run screen option, and the runtime record is constructed from pre run names and defaults.




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Slide 8

Slide notes: Whereas Doc Writer produces a web page as it's result, it is only a static page, and with Web Writer, the page becomes a live page that supports User interaction and becomes a live Web Application. Doc Writer skills are to be considered the entry qualification required for starting with Web Writer. In the other tutorials, we show how we take Doc Writer Pages to a new interactive level with Web Writer.