Slide 1

Slide notes: iesMobile Users are defined and maintained with the 'Web Users' option.




Slide 2

Slide notes: The iesMobile Users may be outside Users, for example Customers, or standard IES Users, or both. In the case of standard IES Users, it is recommended to use the same User Codes, as this will automatically provide access to certain functions like Data Streamers and others.




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Slide 4

Slide notes: As for standard IES Usercodes, we keep the Usercode reasonably short, and spell out the Name properly at the 'Name' field.




Slide 5

Slide notes: We provide an initial password, which the User may change after the 1st logon.




Slide 6

Slide notes: A Data Stream Swap User may be registered for a User for the sake of access to Data Streamers. Let's see the help on this.




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Slide notes: If the Usercode is the same as for a standard IES User, then a swap User is not needed for Data Stream access, and if Data Stream access is not even required, then there is no need to register a swap Usercode.




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Slide 10

Slide notes: We will always select 1 or more Companies that this User may enter, and for the Companies we select, we should follow this up with access to some applications for the User in these Datamarts.




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Slide 15

Slide notes: After creating a new User master record, or making changes to an existing record, we will choose SAVE to update the information to the system.




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