Slide 1

Slide notes: In this tutorial, we learn how to use Telnet to log to an IES Datamart or to the QM Database control Datamart, also called the QMSYS Account, in order to perform some administrative action at the Command level. This type of action is not for general Users, only for Support Staff. In another tutorial, we show how to open Telnet. In this case, we start from the logon point, where we specify the correct IP address to open on port 4242.




Slide 2

Slide notes: When we get the Username prompt, we will always use "infolabc", and also for the password. The password is in lowercase.




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Slide 4

Slide notes: With Telnet, we cannot logon as user 'infolabc' directly to the QMSYS account, because this is a security arrangement to protect the QMSYS account.




Slide 5

Slide notes: So we show this only to demonstrate that it cannot be done.




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Slide 7

Slide notes: Instead, with Telnet we will always start with the INFOLAB datamart when we logon.




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Slide 11

Slide notes: So when prompted for ACCOUNT, we state "INFOLAB".




Slide 12

Slide notes: This will lead us to the IES security gate where we can logon with our IES UserCode and Password. We will only be allowed entry here if we have access to the process that is called TCL, short for Terminal Command Level, on the standard IES Menus for the INFOLAB datamart.




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Slide 14

Slide notes: Once we are in the INFOLAB datamart, and have passed the IES security, then it is possible to log to the QMSYS datamart, if that is where we need to be to in order to perform whatever action it is that we need to perform.




Slide 15

Slide notes: The system is now aware of which User is logged on for this Command Level activity, and we can log to any IES  datamart where we need to go, provided of course that this User has TCL access in the target datamart.




Slide 16

Slide notes: So now, in our example, we are in the IESBUSINESS datamart. When we have concluded our work at the command level, we sign off by typing "off".




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