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Slide notes: In this tutorial we learn about the utility for Inspection of File Data, checking for bad characters. When there are disallowed characters in the system data, whether due to bad data imports, power failure or other, this can cause problems on Reports and other functions in the system.




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Slide 3

Slide notes: From the Systems Administration menu, we select File and Data Controls, and then we select Inspect File.




Slide 4

Slide notes: The system explains what the File will be Inspected for.




Slide 5

Slide notes: Then we can select the Filename.





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Slide notes: And the 1st and safe option is to Inspect only, without performing any replacing of data. If bad characters are indeed found, then we may consider whether to allow the system to replace such bad characters with harmless space characters.




Slide 8

Slide notes: The system performs the Inspection of all data in the target File.





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Slide 11

Slide notes: And in this case, we have a clean result. No bad characters have been found.




Slide 12

Slide notes: In most systems, there is never any need to use this option to Inspect the File Data.




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