Slide 1

Slide notes: In this tutorial, we look at the System Message option, which can display a Message to any number of Users when entering the Datamart where the Message is targeted.




Slide 2

Slide notes: From Systems Administration we choose Global Controls, and then System Messages.




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Slide 7

Slide notes: We can use any short unique Key as the Message Number.




Slide 8

Slide notes: And the system will default the active window for displaying the Message to today's date, for all Users, in the current Datamart. We can adapt the show Dates and Times if we want, and we need to capture some lookup Description to identify the Message by.




Slide 9

Slide notes: If the Message is intended for only a specific User or Group of Users, then we can specify this at the Target User or User Group fields. All that remains now is to specify the Message to be displayed, and this is captured at 'Text to Display'. The Message can be modified or deleted at any time, and once it has fulfilled it's showing period, the system will automatically delete it.




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Slide 12

Slide notes: When a User, who is included in the target audience, logs to this Datamart, then the system will automatically show the Message, as can be seen here.