Slide 1

Slide notes: In this tutorial we will see how to register a new Business Datamart in IES. This step is required before the Datamart can be used in IES, and is a separate step from the creation of the Datamart in the Database. This registration is usually done BEFORE creating the physical datamart in the Database, since IES will only advise the name of the new Datamart when we register it.  But, if we have already created the physical datamart in the Database, and the name is different, then we can just rename the Datamart in the Database.





Slide 2

Slide notes: From the Systems Administration Menu we choose "Manage Datamarts", and then we choose "New Datamart".




Slide 3

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Slide 4

Slide notes: The Datamart Key is assigned by IES, and is always the next available number for 'IESBUSINESS'. This Key cannot be changed, and is the Key that must be used for the physical name or key of the Datamart in the Database. However, we can choose any NAME for the Datamart, and this is the name that Users will see on their Menus.




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Slide 6

Slide notes: A comment field is available, if needed, and we can also, at this stage, choose whether the Datamart is available for use or not. If it should not yet be available for use, then we can choose to check the 'disable' option. By default, the Datamart will allow Report Warehouse publication, and if we do not wish to allow this, then we can UNcheck the publication option.





Slide 7

Slide notes: It is not essential to register any Users for use of the Datamart at this stage, but it is convenient to do so. We can also register Users later, but no Users can enter this Datamart until we have registered the Datamart on their Menus.




Slide 8

Slide notes: In this case, we are going to register some Users to be allowed into this Datamart.




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Slide 16

Slide notes: The selected Users have now been registered for this new Datamart.




Slide 17

Slide notes: The Datamart itself is only registered as a valid Datamart when we choose SAVE.




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Slide 19

Slide notes: The task of registering the new Datamart has now been accomplished, but for interest sake, we are just going to show one of the Users that we selected for use of this Datamart, in order to see what has happened.




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Slide 22

Slide notes: On the User Master Record, we should be able to see the new Datamart listed as a valid entry point.




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Slide 27

Slide notes: Cindy is one of the Users that we registered for use of the new Datamart.




Slide 28

Slide notes: On the Datamart list for Cindy we can see that the new Datamart is already listed as a valid entry point.