IES Knowledge Base
Systems Administration: Procedures, Backups, Why and how much ?
Purpose of Procedure: Backup Strategy
Your data is unique to your site, and backing up your data is your responsibility. If you need to restore your system and you have no backup, then no-one can help you. A power failure, a hardware failure, a Server crash - these are all examples of events that can result in the corruption or loss of your system, and there are others. You need to backup your system regularly and reliably.
Your database engine and your IES system intelligence can at any time be restored or re-created from downloads. However, only you have a way to recover or restore your data, and that is from your backup policy.
The following is quoted from the QM database documentation, and well worth your consideration: -

8.6 Backup and Restore

Determine what to backup. If your backup needs to be as quick as possible, remember that it is usually unnecessary to back up system files that can easily be recreated.

How often will you back up? You need to make a sensible trade-off between the time it takes to backup and the difficulty of bringing the system up to date in the event of a restore.

Consider when to backup in relation to your business routine. It is unsafe to backup a database while it is being used except as described below. You will end up with data integrity problems and, possibly, structural integrity problems in files that were being modified while the backup progressed. The safest approach is to log all users off while the backup is performed. It is not necessary to shutdown QM.

Use a cycle of backup media rather than continuously overwriting the same media so that you are secure from failures during the backup and also have multiple points in time to which you can revert.

Ensure that your backup media is kept away from the system that it represents. A fireproof safe or an offsite store is best.

Think carefully about how long you will keep your backups. There are often legal requirements to be able to restore business data for several years. Remember that technology moves on at a rapid pace. You need to ensure that you still have the appropriate drives to read your old backups.

Test your backups. Check that you really can restore your data if the need arises.


IES Recommendation: -

You make the decision, and nobody can prescribe to you exactly how to apply your backup strategy. However, we feel that in most cases, a good strategy includes the following: -

1) Daily Backup plus Weekly Backup plus Monthly Backup

2) Keep Weekly backups on another server or off-site, and retain for 6 months

3) Keep Monthly Backups off-site and retain indefinitely

backup save data recovery