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In this session we are going to look at the Bill of Materials.


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In this example we are looking at the Bill of Materials for general car service.  We can see some parts listed on this Bill and also Labour.


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When we make a New Bill of Materials we give it a unique Key called the BOM Key. We can also use the Unique Key Function, listed on the right, to generate a Key for us.  Of course the Bill needs a name that it can be identified by.  Quite often we may use a Category also. The Category is not forced but it is very useful when we want to target our Lookups for specific groups of Bills of Materials.  Considering also that the Bills of Materials are also used in Retail and in Manufacture.


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The Function to work with the Categories is also listed on this Screen.  So from here we can go directly to Categories and make a New Category if necessary.


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All Items listed on the Bill of Materials are defined in the Retail Catalogue. This can include parts from Stock and it can also include services and other Bills.  So nested Bills are possible and a Bill can call other Bills.


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For each Item listed we state the usual quantity.


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From the Bill Screen we can also check the Stock Sheet so that we can ascertain whether everything on a particular Bill is currently available in Stock.


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We have an Option where we can validate the Bill i.e. where the System will check whether the Recursive test is passed correctly i.e. the Bill cannot call other Bills and eventually call itself and go into a never ending calling of more Bills.


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We may optionally include Instructions and Notes on a Bill of Materials.