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In this Tutorial we look at how we can manually raise a Collection Transaction.

This is done when the System has not raised a Collection for some reason on a Mandate where there should be one, or where we want to Manually Raise one because we have already Performed it for that Calendar Month, and we need to raise a Collection on a specified or selected Mandate.  


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It is very easy to do and requires minimal capturing. We have to retrieve the Mandate.


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And the System will already know the Amount and will put it in, although we can change it if necessary.

We may have to change the Premium Month if it is different to what we wish to raise the Premium for.


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Then we simply choose “Post”


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If we should drill into the Collection Transaction, then this is what we will see. 

The Customer, or Tenant Account has been charged with R2000-00, in this case.

Whereas the Mandate Provision Account has been Credited with the Amount Net of the Tax that is being Collected, in this particular case.