Slide 1

Slide notes: When we process Man, Machine, KPI and Workshop journals, we only capture the Allocation account for each entry. We still need a Recovery Account, or a Contra Account in the case of KPI's. The system will look up these Accounts automatically from the Physicals set up.




Slide 2

Slide notes: For Man Journals, we can list 1 Recovery Account per Department to use, or we can use the easier method to just specify the Cost Centre where the system can find it.




Slide 3

Slide notes: In this example, the system will know that if it does not find the Allocation Department on the list, then it must just retrieve the Account in that Department where the Cost Center is 009, and that will be the Account to use for Recoveries.




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Slide 6

Slide notes: For Workshop, we must choose Actual or Accrual as a basis for Cost Recoveries.




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Slide 9

Slide notes: At the Workshop list, we need to specify the Recovery Account to use with each Workshop.




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Slide 12

Slide notes: For Machines, we have the option to derive the Recovery Account either from the Department list or from the Job where the Cost Type being used on the line has an auto Credit Account indicated.




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Slide 18

Slide notes: For the Cost Recovery basis, we will choose between Actual and Accrual.





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Slide 23

Slide notes: And, as for the Man Journals, we can list Recovery Accounts by Department, or we can tell the system to find the Recovery Account based on the indicated Cost Center.





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Slide 25

Slide notes: For KPI processing, we may also list the Contra Account by Department, or indicate the Cost Center where the Account may be derived from in each Department.




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