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Slide notes: We are used to the processing of Financial transactions in Business Accounting, and we are used to Transactions like financial costs and expenses, revenue, even Purchase Orders and Stock Transactions, and it is common to process quantities with Purchase Orders and with Stock.




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Slide notes: Beyond those examples, it is less common to find options that process other Physicals seamlessly in Accounting systems. What are other Physicals? Many businesses have a need to transact Physicals like man hours, man days, tractor hours, machine hours and other physical indicators to derive Key Performance Indicators, in order to understand and report on performance, costs, revenue or even for processing of the Payroll.





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Slide notes: In Agriculture business management, there is a pronounced need for integrated physicals management, and that is what IES does.





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Slide notes: When we look at an Account in our General Ledger, we can see a capacity for integrated Physicals together with Financials. For many of our Accounts that are not Agri Estate relate, only the traditional Financials will be in use, but when we look at Estate Accounts in the Chart, we may see an example like this one.




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Slide notes: The Financial values are still present.




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Slide notes: In addition to the Financials, an Account may be associated with a defined Resource type, and may also have Physicals balances.




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Slide notes: On top of the Resource Physical, there is also an optional KPI association, and there may also be KPI balances.




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Slide notes: The processing of Physicals, together with Financials or by themsleves, is pervasive in the Business system, and integration is present with many modules like Estates Management, Job Costing, Budgets and plenty others.




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Slide notes: The Agriculture Physicals module is the concentration point for managing the Physicals base functions that include Vehicles, Machines, Man days, Work Result types, Performance types, etc. From here, with the underlying defined parameters for Physicals processing, all the other modules know how to work with the Physicals in this Business or Company set up.