IES Payroll Implementation T02: Oil Palm Plantation (Estates)




The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the T02 IES Payroll Implementation for Palm Oil Plantation (Estates).




This Payroll implementation, while performing intricate and comprehensive processing, is designed specifically to present the following characteristics: -


q       Ease of use, easy to administer, minimum effort to maintain and operate

q       Fail-safe and robust operation, with undo options


Primary Topics


We will briefly deal with the following topics in the overview, and detail in each case is provided in a separate tutorial or document.


q       Implementation Setting

q       Payroll Types

q       Payroll Groups

q       Earning and Deduction Codes

q       Rule Objects

q       Set Up Parameter Settings

q       Payees

q       Harvest Bonus Administration

q       Payroll Steps (Perform, Undo, Error Report)

q       Pay Slips and Pay Schedule

q       Pay Result Reports

q       Other Reports

q       Enquiries

q       Admin Options

q       Inputs to the Payroll

Earning and Deduction Codes

Man Journals (Physicals)

q       Pay Calculation



Implementation Setting


For this Payroll Implementation to be available in IES Business, it requires the choice of this setting in the system settings, at Accounting Controls, File Maintenance, Various Accounting Parameters.




Payroll Types


It is necessary to define at least 1 Payroll Type, i.e. a Payroll from which Employees can be paid.




The Payroll master record is essential for the Payroll to function, and the definition detail is discussed in a separate tutorial.


Payroll Groups.


Any number of Pay Groups may be applied, but at least 1 is necessary. Each Employee is registered as part of a Pay Group.





Earning and Deduction Codes.


Many Earning and Deduction Codes may be specified, but the “001” earning Code for “Basic” is essential.



The Earning and Deduction Codes are discussed in detail in a separate tutorial.


Rule Objects


Rule Objects determine how the Earning and Deductions Codes function. They are already present, and simply need to be applied correctly when new Earning and Deduction Codes are formulated. This too, is discussed in more detail together with the Earning and Deduction Codes.




Set Up Parameter Settings


These consist of standard parameters to be specified for Harvest Bonus calculation, Tax calculation and Natura Allowance calculation. The parameter screens are not shown here, and the detail is discussed in a separate tutorial.




For an Employee to be paid, he or she must be registered as a Payee on the Payroll Master.




How to set up an Employee on the Payroll register is discussed in detail in a separate tutorial.


Harvest Bonus Administration


The Harvest Bonus administration is a sub system within the Payroll, and which is used by the Payroll when the Payroll is performed, in order to determine any Harvest Bonus amounts to be paid to Employees.




Harvest Bonus administration includes options to calculate plus report options, and this is discussed in detail in the Harvest Bonus document.



Payroll Steps


Payroll Steps consist of Perform, Undo and Error Report, and these are unusually simple and easy to perform.




More about this in a separate tutorial.



Pay Slips and Pay Schedule


Standard and flexible options for pay slip printing (all, range, 1 and choice of stationery layout) and the Pay Schedule by Gang (group) for Employee sign-off, are found at “Payrun Reports”.



This is also dealt with separately in a tutorial.


Pay Result Reports


This includes the various “result” reports of the various earnings and deductions.


Other Reports


This includes a set of Master File reports related to Payroll.




Enquiry options include “look only” options on Payroll Master files, and of course an Employee Pay Enquiry where one can drill into any Pay Record for the Employee, to discern the detail.






Administration Options


Administration options include a Payroll Diary, Appointment Books and a Task Management system for Payroll. These are standard options that work similarly to the same options in other IES Business modules, but are in this instance dedicated to the Payroll desk(s).


Inputs to the Payroll (1): Earning and Deduction Codes


The Payroll calculation performs all the standard earnings and deductions (i.e. those that are applied for all Employees) automatically and transparently, and requires no administration or maintenance. In addition, separate Earning and Deduction Codes may be applied where necessary, for specific Employees. This is explained in the tutorial that deals with the setting up of a “Payee”.


Inputs to the Payroll (2): Attendance Records


The Attendance Records administered in the Physicals system are “read” by the Payroll in order to calculate Day Rates, Overtime Rates and other criteria required by the Payroll to perform it’s standard pay calculation per Employee. The Attendance Records system is discussed separately.


Inputs to the Payroll (3): Man Physical Journals


The Man Physicals journals contain primary detail used by the Payroll for Bonuses, Harvest Bonuses and Overtime. The Man Physicals Journals are discussed separately.


Pay Calculation


The Pay Calculation automatically takes care of Harvest Bonus, Bonus, Basic, Overtime, Tax, Premis, Jamsostek, Natura and the various elements that are standard to Employees on this Payroll. The detail of how all this is calculated and performed is detailed in a separate document.