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Slide notes: There are a huge variety of Journal Options available in IES, and usually only a selection of these Journal types will be used at any 1 Company. But because the operations, procedures and practices are different from one Company to the next, and because the Journal types are designed for productivity, therefore there are many Options to choose from. If there was only 1 Journal Option for the posting of Journals, then that option would include many steps that we may not want to use at our Company and that would make the journal process unproductive. So now we can just choose which productive Journals to use and apply at our Company, i.e. the ones that best suit our operation and needs.




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Slide notes: As such, the implementation stage will usually include an exercise of choosing which Journals are needed and best suited for this Company, and then those options are included on the Journal Business Profiles of the various Users that will be performing the various Journal types. For example, a Debtors Clerk who performs only Debtor type Journals like Charges and Receipts will only have those options included on his or her profile.




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Slide notes: When there is a need to clarify what exactly is achieved by a certain Journal Option, then it is easy to post a sample Journal in a Training or Demo Company set up in order to test the Journal type and to see it's effect in the Accounts.




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Slide notes: It is easy to distinguish between Journal types to use for effect to a certain Ledger or Sub Ledger. For example, the Debtors, Creditors, General Ledger and Stock Journals all have distinct and separate lists of options. However, there are some cases of overlap, because some Ledger Multi Journals also allow posting to Jobs, Stock, Creditors, Debtors, and so on.




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Slide notes: Usually, for each category, there are also both Single Leg and Multi Leg Journal Options available, and although the Multi Journal Options are the more popular ones, there are cases where a Single Leg Journal is the best choice. An example of this would be the following: When we have a Cash Receipt Desk where we commonly process receipts on Customer Accounts, then a single leg journal is the best Option to use at that point of operation, because a Receipt will be fully processed and the Receipt printed before we deal with the next Customer. However, when we process multiple Receipts or Credits to Customer Accounts from a list of Bank Deposits, as an example, then the Multi Leg Journal Option may be more productive, since we can capture and post an unlimited number of these entries on 1 Multi Journal.




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Slide notes: The Journal Options are also coded to indicate some of their properties. A Prefix of GL always means that it is a General Ledger Journal. SGL and MUL will indicate whether it is a single or multi leg Journal option. If the letters TAX appear with the option, then it is a Tax Journal whereas when those letters are absent, the Journal is usually a type that does not automatically process any Tax like VAT, GCT, PPN, etc. And when we see the letters FX then the Journal includes Forex, i.e. Foreign Currency account posting capabilities.





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Slide notes: In the case of Cash Book Journals, we commonly see an indication like CHEQUE or RECEIPT, and with Stock Journals we usually have an indication whether the Journal type includes a Hash Total for error checking.




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Slide notes: The short description for the Journal Option is relied on for further identification of the kind of Journal that it is. For example, among the Ledger Multi Journals we have standard Multi Journals that allow multiple Debits and Credits but only to Ledger Accounts. And then there are other Options that also allow AR Debtors and AP Creditors Accounts to be processed on the same Journal. And there are yet other Options that include the former Options but also have Forex Accounts allowed in addition.





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Slide notes: There are also special Journal Options that are separate from the usual Journal Options and which are usually only available to 1 or a few individuals, because such Journals may allow special privileges. For example, there are reserved Accounts that may not usually be posted by Journals, but in certain circumstances there may be a need to post to some of these Accounts, and in such a case one needs to use the special Journal Option for that purpose, like posting to a reserved Account.




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Slide notes: In summary, we can say that there are Journal Options available for each and every need, and we just have to explore the different Options and decide which Journals to include for which Users, according to their job or task requirements. And of course it remains always possible and easy to add additional Journal Options to any User Profile if it may be needed later.