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Slide notes: While we may note that automatic Journals are present throughout the system, we do need to know where to find the capture options for Journals that we need to process. These Journal capture options are typically present on the Application Menus where they are NAMED. In other words, Journals that specifically relate to a certain application, for example LAW AND LEGAL, will be found on that Menu.




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Slide notes: So, on the Law And Legal application menu, we have a Journal function.




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Slide notes: And when this Journal function is selected, then the system will offer the related Journal options that the User has access to.




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Slide notes: Similarly, for the Physicals Application, we will find the related Journal options on that menu.




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Slide notes: And here are the Physicals Journal options for Man, Machine, KPI and Workshops.




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Slide notes: This is a Man Journal example.




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Slide notes: Even the core modules have Journal processing options on their menus.




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Slide notes: On the Ledger menu, we find also the Journal Function.




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Slide notes: And the same applies for the Debtors & Receivables, and likewise for the other core Modules.




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Slide 21

Slide notes: But there is also a specific Application for the processing of the core Journals of the Financial System.




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Slide notes: And this is it. The Journal Processing application menu provides entry points to all the core Journal options, in one place. Additionally, together with the Journal processing options here, we also have related functions for managing Journal processing.