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The Master Account listings have 3 Options.

We have the Newly Opened Accounts, Active Accounts and Inactive Accounts.

These are listings of our Insurance Customer Accounts.


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When we choose “Newly Opened Insurance Accounts”, we can then choose from Accounts in 1st Enquiry, of Accounts Opened in a specific Date range.

The usefulness of this distinction is that the 1st Option “Accounts in 1st Enquiry” will show us all Accounts not been “Progresses” to Active Accounts, or have not been made “Inactive” either.

“Opened in Date Range” can quickly show us any Accounts that we have opened New from a specified Date up to another specified Date.


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The Active Accounts will of course list for us all Insurance Customer Accounts hat are currently Active and all of these listings support the Versions Option.

In other words we can easily make different Versions of these Reports by changing content by re-arranging columns, or including further columns, additional columns or removing some of these standard columns.


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In this case, I am simply going to run the System Version and we will see what the default Report looks like.


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So this is what the default Report looks like.

As already indicated we can add additional columns or easily change the Report if we want to modify the content.


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The Inactive Accounts will of course be all those Accounts that are either Inactive because they never became Active, or they have been Active, but are now Inactive.


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