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The Insurance Diary can be reached from the Main Insurance Brokerage Screen.

But before we can use the Insurance Diary, one should be listed as a Member of the Diary Project for Insurance.


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So if one is listed as either a Member or as the Leader of the Diary for the Insurance Project, then of course one can see all the Entries in the Insurance Diary.


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When we Enter the Diary from the Main Insurance Screen, then we are working with the General Insurance Diary. In other words, this will include any an all Entries Flagged for Insurance. Including Entries that are already there and that are Flagged for specific Customer Insurance Accounts.

When we want to make a New Entry for a specific Customer Insurance Account, then we should really do that from the Insurance Account Maintenance Screen.

When we Enter the Diary from there, we will be dealing specifically with that Account.


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Apart from the observations already made, the Diary Functions as usual.

We will not go into further detail in this instance because the Diary is covered in other Tutorials.