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Slide notes: We will now use the example of a Customer Record screen to discuss a few basic principles that apply when working with screen forms.




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Slide notes: In the current example, we are using an Enquiry screen, which means that we cannot make changes and save the data. If we attempt to save, the system tells us that we are in 'look only' mode.




Slide 3

Slide notes: On this type of screen, with existing data, we can generally click anywhere on the screen, as the sequence of data fields is quite irrelevant. Generally, we move from one field to another by pressing ENTER or TAB, or we can just click anywhere.




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Slide notes: If the screen form has tabs at the top, then it means that we have a multi screen form, and we can click any tab to visit different parts of the screen.




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Slide notes: Next, we move to an update type of screen. That means that we can make changes and save the data. If it is an existing data record, then we can also click or move to different fields in any order, perform any listed functions, etc.




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Slide notes: Fields that are not accessible for typing will usually be dimmed.




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Slide 11

Slide notes: And then, we use an example of an update screen where we capture a new data record. In this case, we still move from one field to the next by pressing ENTER or TAB, but in this case the sequence or order of the fields may be important and may be forced by the system.




Slide 12

Slide notes: For example, if we try to click the "Client Ref" field before we have done the "Customer Name" field, then there is a light beep, and the cursor moves back to the "Customer Name" field. This means that the system expects that field to be done first, before we can move further.




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Slide notes:  A multi-line Text Field will not move the cursor to the next field when we press ENTER, and will give a new line within the multi-line text field instead. In this case, we have to press TAB or click the next field to move along.




Slide 16

Slide notes: Other than that, it is quite simple and intuitive to use the screen forms. An update screen will often have a specific SAVE or UPDATE function, but even if it is absent, we can always use the save icon at the top.




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Slide notes: Of course, if the record is still incomplete and demands further fields to be filled in, then the system will beep and refuse to save the record until the required fields have been satisfied.




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