Slide 1

Slide notes: A User of Export Trade workflow will need access to a list of function points in the Module.




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Slide 4

Slide notes: The system User "phant" has a full access profile, from which we can discuss the various options.




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Slide 10

Slide notes: The Operational Settings option is not required for all Users, only the Administrator.




Slide 11

Slide notes: The Customer Dashboard option is a must - without it, there is little one can do at Export Trade.




Slide 12

Slide notes: The Functions Action menu contain the options for processing the Sales Order steps, i.e. Delivery, Invoicing, etc. It depends on the workflow arrangements at the site whether the User will have all of these options or not.




Slide 13

Slide notes: The Report options will usually be available to all Users of Export Trade.




Slide 14

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