Slide 1

Slide notes: At the Customer dashboard we have 3 Quotation sections. The 1st is for new and current Quotations. To open a new Quotation, we just choose 'New Quotation'.




Slide 2

Slide notes: The system will automatically create a quotation workflow set with a number of defaults, and we can work with it by dbl-clicking on the Quotation.




Slide 3

Slide notes: This new quotation workflow set is ready for use, and we can start performing steps on it. We can leave the workflow set and return any number of times to work with it.




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Slide 6

Slide notes: Any prior Quotation for the Customer can be entered by a dbl-click.




Slide 7

Slide notes: A prior Quotation is always a Quotation that has been converted to a Sales Order, which may still be current or already a prior Customer Order.




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Slide 10

Slide notes: If we have not yet generated the Purchase Orders, we can do so here.




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Slide 12

Slide notes: We can re-print the final review of the workflow set.




Slide 13

Slide notes: We can also re-print the final Quotation or the Sales Order.




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Slide 15

Slide notes: And we can re-print or query any of the present Purchase Orders.




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Slide 21

Slide notes: Cancelled quotations can also be drilled.




Slide 22

Slide notes: And this will reveal the cancellation details, as well as the reason why, if it was recorded

at the Notes.





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