Slide 1

Slide notes: We will now print a Cash Up Statement. On this Dispatch, we still have some Orders to process, so our Cash Up Statement will not be final, but we can process multiple Cash Up Statements for a Dispatch if necessary.




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Slide 3

Slide notes: First we are going to look at the last Cash Up Statement before this Dispatch was started.




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Slide 6

Slide notes: In this case, we can see that a Zero Amount is brought forward to the current Dispatch. If the Truck carries a Cash Float, then the Amount of the Cash Float will be the Brought Forward Amount indicated here.




Slide 7

Slide notes: On this Dispatch, we have already processed 3 Orders to final Delivery, and if we produce a new Cash Up Statement for the Dispatch now, we can expect to see those 3 Orders listed on the Cash Up, because the monies collected for those 3 C.O.D. Orders are expected to have been collected.




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Slide 11

Slide notes: And here they are, we have 3 Orders listed, and the Carried Forward balance is the total of the monies expected to have been collected. When we are done with our Dispatch, we expect to balance the Cash Account and transfer it to the pseudo Bank Account, i.e. pending a possible Bank Deposit. But before that, we will first process all the other Orders, and also any Vouchers that have been applied by Customers, because Vouchers will reduce the expected Cash Amount in the Cash Up Account.




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Slide 13

Slide notes: Of course there is no need to produce a Cash Up Statement until we have processed all Orders and Vouchers, but if we do produce interim Cash Up Statements then of course we will have multiple Cash Up Statements for this Dispatch, since each new Cash Up that is produced will merely follow on the previous and will not list again the Amounts that have already been listed before.