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Slide notes: Orders for Distribution can originate in a number of ways, one of which is from the Contact Management centre. When Orders originate from Contact Management, then we allocate them to the correct Order Distribution Queue with the option found for this at 'Contact Order Distribution'.




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Slide notes: Here, we can retrieve any unassigned Order, and send it off in the right direction.




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Slide notes: We illustrate it like this. An Order is originated from Contact Marketing, and arrives at Distribution for further processing. We now have to assign it to the correct Order Queue for further processing, depending on the intent with the Order or the local policy with such Orders, and how they should be processed. Some Companies may only use 1 of the available processing Queues, but others may use 2 or more.




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Slide 10

Slide notes: Since any Order may require some individual steps when placed into the appropriate Order Queue, we do them one by one. Once we have an Order selected, we choose whether to assign it to Sari Sari, Indent or ODP.