Slide 1

Slide notes: We are looking at the Call List Report options. The 1st option is the Call List Master, which shows, according to selection, the Call Lists that we have.




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Slide 3

Slide notes: The next option is Call List Detail.




Slide 4

Slide notes: In this case, we can also see the Contacts included on each selected List that we report on.




Slide 5

Slide notes: "Contact on Call List" shows selected Contacts and the Call Lists where included.




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Slide 7

Slide notes: "Contact not on Call List" will reveal all Contacts that do not appear on any Call List. This is clearly important in Call Management.  Such Contacts will  never be called unless they are on a Call List.




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Slide 9

Slide notes: And "Contact on Multi Call List" will reveal all Contacts that appear on more than 1 Call List.




Slide 10

Slide notes: It may be valid in some cases for a Contact to appear on multiple Call Lists, but for controlled calling where a Contact may be irritated when called more than once without the one Marketer knowing about the other, it is of course not a good idea. Therefore it is important to be able to report on Contacts that appear on multiple Call Lists.