Slide 1

Slide notes: If we decide to run the Alerter Monitor continuously, then we start the Monitor in any Datamart on the system. Alerter Monitor will move around the system by itself, to all Datamarts, and only one instance of it should be running on the system.




Slide 2

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Slide 3

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Slide 4

Slide notes: The Monitor knows when it may work and what it has to do. This is dependent on the Operational Settings. However, Alerter Monitor occupies a dedicated session while it is actively running.




Slide 5

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Slide 6

Slide notes: If we wish to reboot or shut down the system, and Alerter Monitor is always running, then it should be stopped first before shutting down.




Slide 7

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Slide 8

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Slide 9

Slide notes: When the Monitor is stopped, it will disconnect the session.




Slide 4

Slide notes: How do we decide whether to run Alerter Monitor?




Slide 5

Slide notes: If Alerter Monitor is not run, then it will jump start itself once a month to perform essential maintenance tasks. The Alerter Dispatcher is independent of the Monitor, and distributes email and SMS messages. Therefore, we decide whether to run the Alerter Monitor continuously based only on the decision as to whether we use and support Monitor Triggers for Users. From the Trigger Types report, we can see which Trigger Types require the Monitor. If we wish such Trigger Types to be active, then we will run the Alerter Monitor all the time. If we wish to support only the non-Monitor type Triggers, then there is no need to run Alerter Monitor. Whatever our choice, we need to indicate the policy at the Operational Settings. Please see the tutorial for Operational Settings also.